How Addiction Affects Other Aspects of Your Life

The dangers of addiction go beyond just being unable to quit. They stem deeper and affect several aspects of your life. Here are 4 major aspects that suffer greatly from addiction.

  • Physicality and Appearance

While healthy food grows and develops the body, drug and substance abuse does the opposite. Addiction sets your body on a rapid decline and eats away at your internal organs and consequently, your appearance.

Some common effects of addiction include heart and respiratory problems, kidney and liver failure, impaired coordination, insomnia and poor grooming.

  • Mental Health

Your mental health probably suffers the most from addiction. The chemical effects of prolonged abuse of drugs distorts the brain’s functions and deteriorates one’s psychological well-being. You just begin to feel or act spontaneously and uncontrollably.

Addiction can make you have mood swings, paranoia, anxiety and depression. You can also get violent or detached from reality. It messes up your mind totally.

  • Social Life, Love and Family

Another aspect of your life that addiction affects is your social, love and family life. It impairs the ability to function socially as it rids you of proper reasoning and grooming. Not to mention that you can suddenly get violent at your family and loved ones.

Addiction damages relationships and leaves you with those that will drag you even deeper into it.

  • Career and Life Aspirations

We all have dreams of becoming or doing something we really love. Unfortunately, addictions won’t let those dreams come true.

Addicted students drop out of school due to bad grades or criminal activity, their dreams die a premature death. Business and career folks who get entangled with addiction lose focus and control, their dreams die as well. Regardless of age or phase, addiction is the ultimate dream killer.

Now you see how dangerous the effects of addiction can be to other aspects of your life. It impedes the areas which make up your entire existence and reduces your ability to function normally. In order to live a happy and fulfilling life, addiction has to be done away with entirely.

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